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Our family!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Theft Update

Wow! It has been a whirlwind problem for us. We started with the Amex cards on Saturday, then Monday got a call from Bank of America about a possible fraud application. BofA helped us out a lot, they put us in touch with someone that greatly helped us out with finding how much was out there. Tues. and Wed. we didn't get any mail, we started to worry. Thursday no mail, panic! Alan and I went to the post office today to see if someone did a hold and YES they had. They put a vacation hold on til the 27th trying to get the cards. STRESS!!!! We made a trip across the street to the police (2nd time this year) and filled out another police report. They told us to go back to the post office and request that the hold sign be left up with a note on it so that when the people come to try and get our mail from the hold possibly they can be caught! We are also hopeful that the people will be caught on their surveillance cameras. Pray that it happens, please! We think we have been very lucky because in the mail they gave us today there was a renewal letter from our medical insurance with all of our names and birthdays listed, they would have gotten a lot more than credit cards. So now we wait, hopefully something worthwhile comes of all of this.


Lisa said...

That is awful! What is wrong with people? What's really scary is they are local. You are in our prayers!

Holly said...

This is terrible, I am so sorry. I really hope that they are able to catch these people.

I would love the info you found out about protecting your credit if it is easy to email or there are website links.