Our family!

Our family!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Aubrey the birthday girl!

Today is Aubrey's 10th birthday. I cannot believe that I now have 3 kids in the double digits numbers. She is a beautiful girl that has brought so much to our family with her smile and spunk. Happy Birthday to my baby girl! I had to add the picture with everyone on the coach together, not many times that they are all playing a game together in peace, they had their players all linked together.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Spring Basketball!

Zac decided to play basketball this year. He has come a long way in his abilities. We all had fun watching him. He played on a team with a bunch of his friends from school.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


We had a great Easter this year. We decided to hide the kids baskets to make things a bit more interesting. They had a good time.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Weekend with friends!

We had a great conference weekend with a visit from our good friends Alicia and James from California. Once again I am camera lame and got none of all the kids together but did get one of their family before they left this morning. It was fun catching up on all of our friends in California. Aubrey and their daughter Abby could be sisters, they are so much alike hair color and personality.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Dance Competition

Today was our girls first dance competition at Kearn's High School. They did really well. They took 1st place in Lyrical, they took 3rd place in both Hip Hop and Jazz. Way to go Meg and Aubrey!!! We started our day at 8am and made it out by 1pm. That is pretty good time for a competition.