Our family!

Our family!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Family Blogs

We have spent a lot of time with Alan's family this week. It has been a lot of fun, a nephew getting married and his sister having baby in a couple of months so there was a shower for her. I found out about all of the family blogs that all of the nieces and nephews have. It has been fun to look at them, especially the ones that are out of state.


CAROLYN said...

Hi Cris,
Maybe you got these at the baby shower, but I told you I would email them to you, and then I realized I deleted your email address for some reason. Anyway, Leah's blog is www.thedogsaboytoo.blogspot.com
and her email address is peachylg
@yahoo.com. Sorry it took a couple of days. Have a great week.
P.S. Your kids are sure growing up well.

Susie Cozad said...

Thank you again for coming to my bridal shower! It was so fun to see you! Jon was SOOOOO excited when I showed him the crockpot! You are now his hero too! Sorry there weren't more kids there for the girls to hang out with. I hope it wasn't too awkward for them. They are adorable girls! Hope you're doing well and not working too hard!