Our family!

Our family!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

More Pipe Drama

So...owning a home can be a real drag!!! Alan and I were standing in our room when I heard a noise that didn't fit. Dripping!! I looked up to find water starting to drip from our bedroom ceiling. Panic set in, not quite how we planned to spend Easter weekend with Alan home. Luckily we had bought the extended warranty on the house! They are going to cover it and we will have to pay a $50.00 deductible! It turns out that when the house was built the pipes were not glued properly and there were gaps where water has been leaking for a while. Megan had just taken a shower and it was too much. So enjoy the holes in our bedroom ceiling. I did have an advantage with this problem, I finally got in touch with our warranty guy and expressed some of my frustration with some of the things that have never been fixed!


the4ofus said...

Oh no!! That makes me so nervous. I am always hearing water dripping in our walls. I'm sure one of these days we're going to discover the same thing!!!


the garside clan said...

No kidding! It seems like it never ends!

Rip said...

is that still not fixed, or is that a new occurance?

the garside clan said...

New occurance! Fun huh! It got fixed this weekend, we just need to have the drywall fixed.