Our family!

Our family!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Interesting Week!

We have had a fun week off track. Three baseball games. We went to see Nim's Island with my sister Lisa and her daughter Madi, it was a great movie. The three younger ones are taking swim lessons at the SJ pool. They had two lessons and then today got in the pool and two minutes later they pulled everyone out since someone had an accident in the pool! That was interesting. Instead of a lesson in the pool, they got one on the sidelines about pool safety. We topped off the week by going to the Elk Ridge Middle School play "Guys and Dolls". It was amazing, these kids are in middle school and they sailed through it. Great job Kip and Curtis, Zac's friends in the play! I am very impressed.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Hey! I love the new look! I haven't been on for awhile because of tax season, but I love it!