Our family!

Our family!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Manti Pageant

Hello to all!

We've decided to try and make a party out of going to the Manti pageant the week of June 12-14th. That is the first of the two weekends that they are presenting it. We are going to stay at the Temple Rv Park that is located right by the temple, it has a lot of tent sites, a pool, hot tub (yeah!) volleyball and horseshoe pits. Check out the Manti Pageant site, I haven't been since I was a teenager and can't wait for my kids to see it. If anyone wants to join us come along. We have possibly the Lassigs and the Geertsens looking to see if they can come.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


We had a fun time yesterday and today! I volunteered at the school book fair and found a recipe for Mashed Potato Donuts! I am so missing Spudnuts in Oxnard at this moment. They gave me a free book for coming, so of course I had to have the cookbook. We started them at 7:00 last night and little did I realize they have to chill for 2 hours. Did that stop me? You all know me and my sweets. We decided to go to Target at 9:30 to get a little fryer so we could make them. Donuts taste really good at 10:30 at night! They were really good, not Spudnuts, but good!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Star Scout!!

Zac is now a Star Scout! He has only Life left before Eagle! We are so proud. We just had a Court of Honor where he got his Star and four merit badges. Way to go Zac!

Swimming on President's Day

We went swimming with Lisa and the kids.
Taylor, Madi, Aubrey, Megan and Garrett swimming!

Ice Skating Lessons February 2008

Megan, Aubrey and Tiegan

Starting a spin

Aubrey showing off the moves

Zac's 13th Birthday

Trying to get a picture of Aubrey - she fought me!

Garrett showing off!

Meg was not too thrilled with the picture taking!

Note the cell phone - a regular occurence. Last count we had four girls that have been calling him. He does enjoy it!

My attempt at a football cake.

Zac is officially a teenager! Scarey thought. He hasn't celebrated yet since heis back problems have held things back. We finally have the back pain gone, so he is talking about taking a couple of friends snowboarding. Party!

January Snow Storms!

Aubrey enjoying the snow

You can't tell very well, but there are stairs and bushes under there! The snow was knee deep just on the front walk.

We had so much snow that they sent us home from church to shovel each other out!

Good Friends!

Megan, Madi and Aubrey

Kristen (Kay) Lisa, Cristen and Jen

Zach and Zac - GQ poses

Group shot of the kids
Zach, Taylor, Mikayla, Emmalyn, Megan, Aubrey,
Madi, Zac and Morgan. Aren't they a good looking bunch!

Lisa, Lincoln, Taylor, Madi - a happy family!

Garrett and Brennon

Lisa and I had the chance to get together with our friends Jen and Kristen. They are sisters that we lived by in California when I was four years old. Our parents have been really good friends all of these years. Our families got together on the 29th of December 2007.

Christmas Day

We had Christmas at our house this year.
Jen, Wendy and Nana looking at the book I had done of my mom for Christmas! (Heritage Makers - thank you!)

Alan with his parents, my brother Steve in the background!

Taylor and my brother-in-law Lincoln


Sherrie and Wayne

Zac thought he knew all of his Christmas presents, we had a surprise for him!

I guess some info on the polar express pictures would be nice. Meg and Aubrey performed with Fusion Dance Academy in their musical theater calss. They put on the polar express for Christmas. My dad, sister Lisa and niece Madilyn came to watch. Mary was also there but we didn't get a photo of her.

The Polar Express

Alan, Grandpa, Lisa, Aubrey, Megan, and Madi

Megan, Aubrey and Samantha Geertsen

Megan played two characters, she started as a girl, changed to a boy, then changed back to a girl.

Aubrey played one of the boys on the train. She loves her snowboarding pajamas!

Zac's Holiday Concert - Elk Ridge

The band classes at Elk Ridge put on a Christmas concert. Zac was in the back most of the time playing percussion.
They did great! We got a couple of shots of him.

Daybreak Christmas Party

Alan and Garrett picking out our families to help for Christmas!

Cristen, Megan and Aubrey

Zac and Mary

Garrett enjoying the chocolate bar!

Megan and Sarah Treu